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Anthony Thompson


‘“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. ‘ John 3:18

The word ‘condemn’ really hits you in the face right? As I read verse 18, it sounds like it’s do or die for humanity. Either believe or be condemned to the depths of despair.

This is when I lookup the word “condemn” just to figure out what it really means. It says, “to express complete disapproval.”

And THAT, that is exactly how I felt many times when I wasn’t following Jesus. I felt full of shame and as if my lifestyle was completely disapproved.

The thing about this verse is that most people, including myself, remember the “condemned” bit and forget about the “not condemned.” I forgot so many times the John 3:16–17 bit about God sending his best to save us. It’s funny and stupid that my mind works like that.

God giving us His best — yet I focus on the worst.

John 3:16 says, “For God so Loved the world that He sent his only son — that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” A solid promise.

So, what is happening here in verse 18? Why so dark and opinionated? Before we jump into this idea — let’s look back on a quote from Brian C. Houston from 2015.

God sent a savior, so what’s that mean for us?

All Things Are Possible

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23 NKJV

Why would this passage be included in the book of Mark? Let’s be honest, for the Jews — all things DID NOT look possible. They were under Roman rule and looked to be no savior in sight.

If you’ve ever been around someone who is discouraged, it’s nearly impossible to get them back up and believing again. It takes time — effort and a steady does of courage to get them out of that slump.

If you just say to them — “all things are possible,” — you’ll probably be met with the middle finger 🖕🏼. However, a steady dose of courage and declaring these promises can get them on their feet again.

This is a verse I love to read — especially as I get older. My mind wants to NOT BELIEVE anything is possible. However, as soon as I feel those ideas — I attack them.

I choose to believe everything — I choose to dream — I choose to allow my mind to be curious like a child. I never want to lose that wonder. This is what Jesus is wanting for all of us. F’n Believe again.

A Promise of Heaven

And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:26 NKJV

Dying can be so scary for so many. I don’t know if I’m scared of dying or if I’m scared that I didn’t live a full enough life?

So why did John include this verse in his book? Once again, it seems so dark and dreary — so what’s the point?

Jesus came to give us a promise of life ever after. Not only did he come for us to believe that “anything is possible,” on Earth — but also in heaven. The Bible says that “He came that we might have life and life more abundantly.”

Dying on Earth is a temporal death. There is a time when it comes to all of us. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, it’s hard to imagine what heaven could be like. Yes, it’s unknown. But again, I have to choose to f’n believe.

Once again — I choose to believe the impossible. Fault me for it all you want — but we all must choose — so choose wisely.


that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 NKJV

After a long time in church — salvation can come across as a gimmick. Raise your hand, repeat this prayer and your life will never be the same. Seems like a gimmick and if you look for a hand raised and a prayer recited — you won’t find it — but that’s another story.

I can only speak to what salvation looked like for me and I’m sure many others.

My life was f’d up.

I started to seek God.

I began going to church.

My conscious began to return.

I had someone lay hands on me.

That’s when things really began to change.

Salvation is a journey. Many give up on it because they mess up and feel “condemned.” However, like anything, it’s a long road. Maybe a single prayer will do the trick for you. In my experience, like anything you choose — it takes searching and effort.

At the end of the day salvation is simple. Yes, you need to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord.

Even that statement — “Jesus is Lord” is probably vague for most.

If you don’t really know about Jesus and you don’t know what “the Lord” is, then you’re probably saying stuff that doesn’t mean much.

So, what’s simple about salvation?

You can believe from anywhere and God will hear you. You can pray as simple of a prayer as — Jesus, please f’n save me and He will be there for you.

That’s what I love about salvation.

When you’re broken and busted up — God is there for you.

When it hurts the most and you don’t know WTF is going on — God is there for you.

When you’ve messed up too many times to count — God is there for you.

That’s the simplicity of salvation.



Anthony Thompson
Anthony Thompson

Written by Anthony Thompson

I help high performing professionals unlock their potential and become the champion they were created to be.

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