Photo by Caroline Attwood on Unsplash


Anthony Thompson


Never take anything for granted. — Benjamin Disraeli

Every day brings new challenges and opportunities. If I wake up and think today will be the same as yesterday, I’ve missed an opportunity. Some days I wish it was easier but then I remember, “today is a new day and anything is possible.”

For instance, this morning was more challenging getting the kids to school than the day before. Today, I woke up a bit more sleepy than the day before. Today, my brain seems more foggy than the day before. So, I ask myself this question, “how can I bring consistency when the days bring so many different challenges?”

The answer for me is “thankfulness.” This is my secret sauce. It is a ritual which brings so much joy and peace. If you haven’t tried it, why not? If you have missed days of being thankful, why not start now?

Here are a few scriptures that get my mind on track. Just like working out my body, I work out my mind. My morning routine involves training my mind to see “blessings.” Even when I face a challenge, I choose to see thankfulness.

I am always thankful to my God as I remember you in my prayers. Philemon 1:4

Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. And always be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Everyone come meet his face with a thankful heart. Don’t hold back your praises; make him great by your shouts of joy! Psalms 95:2

I read these verses and it brings a smile to my face. Even if I feel a bit discouraged, I read these verses and the words energize my soul. At first, you may think it’s weird. Maybe it even feels awkward. I know at first it felt like that for me. However, I continue on. I don’t just read the scriptures in my head but instead, I speak these words into my day.

Why is this so important?

Well, I think we can all agree we are to be the “salt” and “light” of this world. We are the force of good in this world. Whether it’s how you speak, act or engage with others. You matter. Your energy matters. Your words matter. Your mind matters. Your soul matters. As it says in the Bible, “let everything that has breathe, praise the Lord.” (kinda cheesy)

If the saying goes, “many hands make light work,” I’d remix this quote to say, “when many are thankful the day seems easy.”

Maybe the verse seems a bit cheesy to you too. I know it sounds cheesy, but have you tried? Have you made the shift in your mind that YOU matter and can make a difference?

Look, my mind throws so much shade on my day. I get thoughts like, “Anthony, you don’t really matter” or “Anthony, you’re not that important. That stuff is for famous people.” As I type it I laugh because I literally hear those voices nearly every day. Let me type out a few more my mind throws at me.

You’re not good enough
You’re not smart enough
You’re not rich enough
You’re not innovative enough
You’re not creative enough
You’re not happy enough
You’re not a great leader
You’re not a great dad
Your life doesn’t matter
Your ideas don’t matter
Your words don’t matter
Your dreams don’t matter
Your goals don’t matter

However, the shift of “thankfulness” trains my mind to think on those things which are GOOD for me. It causes me to see the blessings I do have. It strengthens my mind for good and brings hope into my life. The hope I then receive is ultimately to share with others, with you.

If we can all rally around the energy of thankfulness, we can change the world. One thought, one dream and one goal to help other people live their best life. What if you are the one to help another get back on track? What if today’s goal is for you to put courage in someone?

Thankfulness can do just that. It’s my secret sauce which not only helps my life and my family but ultimately can change the world.

See yah soon. a.

O, and one more thing. Here are the thoughts which begin to play in my head after I get my dose of thankfulness.

You do matter.
You are enough.
You have the mind of Christ.
You are creative.
You are joyful.
You are unique
You are special.
You are gifted.
Your talents matter.
Your voice matters.
You’re blessed.
You’re the head and not the tail.
You are chosen.
You have everything you need.
You can change the world.




Anthony Thompson
Anthony Thompson

Written by Anthony Thompson

I help high performing professionals unlock their potential and become the champion they were created to be.

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