The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better. — Tony Dungy
I feel the air a bit cooler this morning. Even though I’m in Southern California and most of the day it’s hot, the cool at night is my favorite. It also reminds me that summer is over and fall is upon us. Pumpkin spice latte’s everything is upon us. I mean, who doesn’t need pumpkin spice brownies, candles, or dog treats right? It also means Holloween is drawing near, which leads me to Hubie Dubois.
My wife and I sat down the other night to watch something new. We found Hubie Holloween on Netflix starring Adam Sandler. I’m a sucker for just about everything Adam Sandler, so we figured we would get a few laughs. I mean, you had me at Wedding Singer right?
I’ll do my best to not give away any spoilers. I’m trying really hard right now, so go with me.
Adam Sandler plays the character Hubie Dubois; who quite honestly, is very similar to Bobby Boucher from the film The Waterboy. Both characters are dealing with being bullied their entire life. They don’t appear to be up to speed mentally, and their peers make fun of them the entire film. To be honest, it’s really heart breaking, even if it’s not real.
Hubie lives at home and doesn’t seem like he has much going for him. But, what he does have is a vision. His vision is to make Halloween the safest and best day of the year.
And this is the bit that I love the most.
Even though Hubie has been bullied his entire life by most of the town, he continues to carry on his annual dream. His dream is to make his town, Salem, the safest and most fun place for Holloween.
For someone who people would say is “slow”, or “mentally challenged,” Hubie carries on his vision without interruption. He is completely unfazed by the verbal and physical abuse his town and neighbors pour on him.
I won’t give away the end, but he carries out and completes his vision for the town. Nothing gets in his way. He completes his goal for his life. That to me is everything!
I know this writing about a film may not seem like much to you, but for me, it was amazing! You may be saying, “Anthony, cool out, it’s not real. Or, Anthony, it’s Holloween, just have a laugh.” I dunno what it was about it, but I was inspired, and I learned something. I had a few laughs at the film, but really what I took went to bed with was this desire to continually meet any obstacle in my life with kindness and grace.
Before we all head off into our world today, take a minute to let this quote sink in from the great Og Mandino.
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.
Whether you watch the film or not, my hope is to be better at being kind. I have failed immensely in this area. Sometimes I wish I was the 80 year old grampa who is just chill and loves everyone. You know the guy. Retired, enjoying life and so much time to spare. And, with all that time, it seems, kindness comes more natural.
But, that’s me. I’m on a kindness mission today. I want to be 1% better every day in the area of kindness. I want to make those around me better. That’s what leaders do.
When I’m met with frustration, insults or disrespect; I want to exchange those feelings for kindness.
Keep well, always be learning.