‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”’ Revelation 21:4
I’ve always been one to experiment and try new things. When the rage of veganism or “plant-based” came on the scene, I wanted to try. The first time I tried, I failed. I ended up eating way too many bean burritos, french fries and bags of chips.
However, the second time, has been a success. It was in failing that I learned what I did wrong. Now, after eight months of basically a 96% plant based diet, life is good. I’m happy with the experiment and would recommend to those who are willing to follow the course.
Experimenting is now leading me toward sleep. I recently heard a story about someone who sleeps only 3–4 hours per night. This fascinates me, especially since he directly quotes American doctors saying, “we need 7–8 hours of sleep per night.”
The argument is, if we need this much sleep per night, plus all of the other maintenance elements that humans need, how much life remains? It would seem we only have 50% of our day or “our life” to experience life.
The argument went on to say, “if vehicles are becoming more energy efficient, using less gas and electricity to go further, why is it the human body is the opposite? The argument is the human body needs more sleep, more maintenance to be efficient? Why is that?
This mystery excites me. I’m willing to dive into it more so I can live MORE of my life. This is the essence of searching and seeking. And, as you know, whatever you search for — you will find.
So, what about this verse in Revelation? It’s the perfect verse for laying on a beach, sun in the sky, waves rolling and Bob Marley playing. The perfect nirvana for any human being.
But why can’t we have this whilst on Earth? Why wait till we are long gone? I don’t see why this cannot be turned into an experiment. Instead of looking at death as something so tragic, I see it as an opportunity to live more.
Why wait to be on your death bed to say what you want to say or do what you want to do? Why not imagine you were dying today or tomorrow? What sort of behaviors would change? What could you accomplish? What would you say to your loved ones? What would you give to others?
And what about pain? Pain will never go away and that’s ok. Pain is around us to teach us. Without pain we would walk in the middle of the street and die. Pain is our teacher in so many ways. Just like mistakes is our teacher, the consequences of pain steer or lives for good or evil.
No one looks at pain and says, “yes — please give me more!” Unless of course, they understand that Professor Pain is the pathway to something greater. Just now the popular saying jumped into my brain saying, “no pain, no gain.”
Like I said before, I’m experimenting and searching. I believe it’s our due diligence in life. If we are to uncover the mysteries of life and life it to the fullest, we must seek and search for wisdom as if it’s a hidden treasure.
Everyday, we must walk new paths, new roads. These roads may find us in pain or pleasure but either way, they are teaching us. I don’t know anything about all of this. However, I will make mistakes and learn everyday.