‘So go ahead and give her the credit that is due, for she has become a radiant woman, and all her loving works of righteousness deserve to be admired at the gateways of every city!’ Proverbs 31:31
It’s Mother’s Day 2020. I could thing of 100 things I’m thankful for about my mother — but I’ll try and boil it down to a few.
For those who have lost their mother their year — I’m sorry for your loss. For those who have endured a lifetime of negative mother experiences — I’m sorry — that sucks. Today is one of those polarizing days for people.
However, for me, it’s one of those days I can look upon and smile. I’m thankful for so many things about my ma — here’s some of my best.
I’ve watch my mother on social media during this pandemic — and she’s not backing down to no virus. She has been dropping off meals to people, helping food pantry’s source food and just recently, created a drive thru flower pickup for mother’s at church.
She responds to need regardless of age. It’s amazing to watch and I believe inspiring for so many others.
I’ve personally experienced an overwhelming amount of generosity from my mother. She flies out to hang with the grand kids. She has bought us things for the house and even groceries.
She’s generous with her words — if there is a moment to give courage — she will. It’s an overflow of the good that’s in her heart, and it shows.
My kids will facetime her from time and to time and it’s hilarious. Lior, who’s 2 years old will talk and talk to her for as long as she can. And, while most would tune out — she tunes in.
We’ve literally had times where we had to turn off Facetime because we felt so bad for how long the kids took up her time. There is no one in the world who compares on that level — solid gold!
If there was an award in Heaven for serving — my mom would CRUSH. I’ve never seen anyone like her serve the way she does. And, it’s not just serving because you need something to do — it’s serving with a phenomenal attitude.
I don’t know how she does it but once again, I believe it’s an overflow out of her heart. Plus, it’s a gift from God. For those who do have this gift — don’t be afraid to use it. You shouldn’t feel like people are pushing you over — but instead, it’s empowering.
And, believe it or not — your serving may take you to places you never dreamed.
My mother will walk across Disneyland to make sure one of our babies has the lunch that they REALLY wanted. It doesn’t matter if it’s a mile away — she will find it and make it happen. And, as mentioned before, she does it with happiness.
Her kindness overflows to the widows ministry she has at church. I mean, who has a “widow ministry?” She started it — she cares for them and makes them feel like they are the greatest women in the world. If that doesn’t get some tears in your eyes to well up — I’m not sure what will.
“Her teachings are filled with wisdom and kindness as loving instruction pours from her lips.” Proverbs 31:26 TPT
I could go on and on about my mom. She’s basically like a slushi of 1 Corinthians 13 and Proverbs 31. She’s a great example of all of those key words.
Here’s my close. She still prays and loves God. You won’t hear a negative word out of her mouth. She’s calm and collective — a modern zen. I woudn’t say that she searched for wisdom as much as she searched for the things of God. When she discovered those — wisdom was also there.
If you’re sick — you want her to pray for you. If you are having a bad day — you want her to pray for you. Her prayers AVAIL much. That’s the type of mom billions would wish for — and I have one every day.
So thankful for you mom — thanks for showing me a better way to live.
Love you.