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Anthony Thompson


‘Make no mistake about it, God will never be mocked! For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest. The harvest you reap reveals the seed that was planted. If you plant the corrupt seeds of self-life into this natural realm, you can expect to experience a harvest of corruption. If you plant the good seeds of Spirit-life you will reap the beautiful fruits that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit.’ Galatians 6:7–8

What I have in life is a result of my actions. It’s as simple as that. Therefore, what I lack in life is also a result of my actions. It’s a sobering thought for any person. I don’t love thinking about it — but it’s necessary if I want to live my best f’n life.

Before I ask myself what I want out of life — I look at what I have that can be shared. This doesn’t have to be money or possessions but also includes stuff like— love, joy, peace, kindness, etc.

So — WTF am I going to do about it?

What do I want to harvest?

What do I want to reap?

What do I want to eat?

What do I want my life to be like?

Sometimes, in this area, I feel like a total failure. I feel like so many times I’ve planted seeds of generosity and received nothing. I’m sure you have to. It can feel overwhelming and lots of times — I just want to quit — f it.

But then — I remind myself of what HAS HAPPENED in my life. I look around and thank God I have a job, car, food in the fridge, healthy family and the ability to give what I do have.

I have to “keep what I reap” on the forefront of my memory.

If I think how much it would cost to have a healthy family — the dollar amount could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. If myself or my family had to undergo extensive surgeries, therapy or other medical procedures — the cost would be ridiculous. A healthy family is one of the greatest acts of generosity we’ve been given amongst other things.

But yah — take some time to yourself and evaluate the generosity that you are living with. It’s more eye opening that you realize, at least it was for me.

So yah, sorry, a little tangent there — but it’s helped me and hoping it does the same for you.

When I read stories about planting or sowing and reaping — it seems so easy right? It’s like, plant the seeds you want and you will receive it. If you want strawberries — plant strawberry seeds. If you want peaches, plant peach seeds and so on.

However, I’ve come to realize — in my own life — it’s way f’n tougher. Why is that? It seems like even though I’m planting seeds of generosity in my life — where the F is it?

I’ll tell you where it is — it’s right in front of us. Time is kicking the 💩 out of us. What may take a couple weeks or months to see the results of the fruits or veggies you planted, may take years or decades when it comes to your own personal seeds of generosity.

Time is the “X” factor when it comes to sowing and reaping and that “X” sucks. You don’t know how or when “X” is going to happen. You just have to do what Dory does in Finding Nemo — “Just Keep Swimming.”

The Bible says, “let patience have it’s perfect work.” The Bible also says, “Give and it will be given unto you.” The Bible also says, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The Bible also says, “cast your bread upon the waters and it will return after many days.” And it also says, “I have given you the power to get wealth.”

There’s loads of promises about this.

The linchpin is our faith in God. Here is what Martin Luther says about faith.

Reason is the enemy of faith. — Martin Luther

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times. — Martin Luther

Faith isn’t just blind following. Blindly following someone else or something that someone said will lead you to destruction.

The Bible tells us to “seek first the kingdom of God.” It says, “cast your cares upon Him because He cares for us.” The Bible says, “don’t worry or be anxious about anything.” The Bible says, “wisdom is the principle things — therefore get wisdom.”

So — now what?

I know, it can seem like so much, when in reality — it’s not.

Everyone wants the perfect formula — including myself. When I get stuck on a project or something — I just Youtube a solution. It’s fast, easy and proven to work. Plus, I save money and look like a GENIUS.

But what about sowing and reaping? How do I Youtube that? How do I find the perfect formula?

Here’s what I do …

I study and search like anything else. I read books about it. I watch videos about it. I ask people who are experts in it. I ask people who have proven track records in that area.

Pastor Brian C. Houston likes to say, “You’ll never come second by putting God first.” In similar words, the Bible says, “I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread.”

I’ll leave you with three mantras for a generous life.

God is your source.

He created it all … duh

Give that it may be given to you.

If you don’t plant anything — you can’t expect anything to return. If I don’t work, I don’t eat.

Expect a miracle.

A miracle is something I can’t do — I have to expect THOSE kind of results.



Anthony Thompson
Anthony Thompson

Written by Anthony Thompson

I help high performing professionals unlock their potential and become the champion they were created to be.

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