‘He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”’ John 3:36
It’s funny that when you exercise your body creates the same chemicals as cannabis. Some call it a “runner’s high.” If you have ever consistently worked out, at times you feel like you are chasing the chemical even more than the exercise itself.
For me, when I get on my bike and ride all those miles, at first I hate it. However, when I finish, I love it. A friend of mine a long while ago asked me this question. He said, “You need to finish the sentence. My day is better when I do (blank) everyday?” He went on to tell me that if you can complete this question — you can elevate your day everyday.
I then asked him, “what makes you better everyday?” His response was, “when I workout everyday, I notice my day is better. I think better, more patient and enjoy more of the day.”
I don’t remember too much else of what we talked about, but when I went home, I had a good think about the same question. My conclusion was the exact same. I found when I work out — my day truly is better.
And yes, I do feel a high after I workout. I feel more loving, kind, gentle, patient and everything in between when I workout. My day is better and I am also better. It’s also the reason WHY I workout. I mean yah, I want to be fit and look after my body but the immediate reward is even better. So many times I finish a workout and send out so many texts of courage to friends and family. It feels as if my mind and heart are open to share with the world.
So, if my body can manufacture the same feeling as smoking weed, how can I do this more often in the day? My only answer so far is to work out. However, that’s a tough task to do every day with so many other responsibilities. If I figure it out — I’ll let you know.
As for this verse — yah, we all need Jesus. If you were to read a couple of versus before — you’d get to the infamous John 3:16. However, this verse is all about seeing Jesus in everything.
An everlasting seems impossible, but I do believe there is things we can do here on Earth that outlasts our own life. That’s a good question to ask yourself.
“How do I build a life that outlasts my death?”
What if you looked at your life as a house? Each day we have choices to build our house as well as the houses of others. It’s easy to build our own life because that helps us. But, what if we also looked at how we built the houses of others? Could those bricks, tiles and roofs be things that others remember us by long after we are gone?
I’m not sure how this plays out but I do like the thought process. What am I doing that will outlast my lifetime? Maybe even just thinking like that is a selfish thought? We all came from dust and will return just the same.
My goal while here is to enhance my life and live a life of joy everyday.