Today is about our alter ego. I never really thought about an alter ego for myself. I mean, I’ve heard and watched the Marvel guys like Ironman, Spiderman, the Hulk and others. I love watching those guys and girls, inspiring stuff. No wonder Endgame made a billion dollars and more.
As I contemplate more about an alter ego, I wonder what mine would be? Who do I want to become? Who’s energy do I want to channel? Who is already a part of me that I want to make more known?
What I am most intrigued about our alter ego is the fact that this person is alive inside of us. This other person is already there. We know they are there, we just don’t focus on it. We leave him or her in the basement thinking it may be something wrong with us. However, it is so much more than we realize. This person is part of who we are, so why do we hide it?
The story goes that Martin Luther King Jr. had an alter ego. I would have never of believed it, but it’s true. Part of Martin’s alter ego was his glasses. He wore them to make him feel more articulate. How amazing is that? MLK wearing glasses to give him the confidence he needed to change the world.
Winston Churchill’s alter ego was his hat. He changed hats based on who he was scheduled to meet that day. The hat he wore helped bring him confidence to the situation at hand. He allowed his alter ego to shine through and this ego ultimately saved the world.
I’d like to take a minute or two here and think about our alter ego. I wonder what it is for you? Who is the person or thing you draw from to bring you the confidence needed?
I’m thinking out lout here but I would agree, glasses do help me have a bit more courage or confidence. However, since I don’t wear glasses it also makes me feel a little fake.
Another idea that comes to mind is this alter ego of just destroying everybody. When I played sports, I would get pretty psyched up. I not only wanted to be prepared but I also wanted to bring the courage and energy to impose my will on others. When I played football, I would talk a bit of smack but even more than that, I let my actions speak for me. I’d put a hit on or grab an interception, whatever it took to take the life out of the opposing team.
I’d like to explore this topic on my own in more detail. I think this is so important to who you can become in this world. I’m totally aware that life can put you in a box and an alter ego is needed to make your mark in the world. I for one, have no intentions on living an average life. I know my alter ego for sure won’t have it. But, I need to do my homework on my own alter ego. I know it’s special, unique and can take me to the next level.
I wonder if Jesus had an alter ego? I wonder if when he turned over the tables in the temple that was his alter ego? I wonder if when he raised Lazarus from the dead that was his alter ego? I wonder if his alter ego was when he was the most God-like?
I wonder …