‘Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you. ‘ Luke 22:20
I’ve danced around this issue for quite some time. The issue I’m referring to is “communion”.
Usually what happens in our house is we talk about communion, get excited about communion — and then … we forget to do it.
The forgetfulness is probably due to a lack of confidence in the power of communion. So, when you don’t see the full potential of something, the best thing to do is learn more about it — educate yourself.
I love what Joseph Prince says about communion, in particular, the blood. Let me first share a quick snippet of the blood, passover and why it matters.
The blood or new covenant mentioned in Luke 22:20 reflects back to Exodus 12. The Israelites were preparing their passover meal and were told to paint the doors of their home with the blood of a lamb. As they painted the door of their home and ate their passover meal — they could hear the SCREAMS of death delivered by the Angel of Death. A truly f’n HORRIFIC moment for any human being.
This is what Joseph Prince says about this dramatic scene:
Even if some Israelites didn’t have faith, even if they were crying and afraid in their homes, as long as the blood of the lamb was on their doorpost, they were saved.
Their security lay in the blood, not in their faith.
Similarly, even if the Egyptians were calm and had a “positive mindset,” they would have still died if they didn’t have the blood of the lamb on their doorpost.
It’s not about positive thinking, it’s about the blood. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.
Jesus died for you. His blood has been shed for the remission of your sins.
The power of communion was not just revealed to the Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark and Luke — the Apostle Paul also was privy to it.
In 1 Corinthians 11: 23–32 the Apostle Paul addresses communion. One of my favorite parts of his addressing is how he tackles “self awareness”.
‘But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. ‘ I Corinthians 11:28
Paul talks about “examining yourself” which my whole life I was wrong. I was taught growing up that we were to “reflect” on our sins. What we did wrong or who we wronged and ask for forgiveness. I was asking for forgiveness before partaking and if I did not — I would receive judgement.
Sort of sucks because it’s scary to think if you do it wrong — you’re F’D. But, once again, as you study what is happening here, Pastor Prince breaks it down like an Angel of Life.
“Examine” — This word in Greek is “dokimazo,” which means “to prove with a view to approving/approval.” In other words, to search for something good.
So this proves that we are not to examine ourselves for sin when we partake. We are to examine ourselves for approval. This means saying, “I know the purpose of the Lord’s Supper. I know that Jesus’ body was broken for my diseases. I partake, receiving His health. I know that His blood was shed for my sins. I partake, receiving forgiveness. I am proving that I am approved of because of Jesus’ finished work.”
We are already approved to receive communion. Jesus wants us accepting this power as much as we can. What He did on the cross was for us to walk in this power EVERY F’N DAY, period. What a relief and eye opening idea.
If there is not a more important time for the whole world to understand communion, I don’t know what is. Here again is what Pastor Prince says about this:
Without a revelation of the Communion, “many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.”
The Lord watches over this revelation. It is important to Him.
He wants you healthy. He wants you strong. He wants you to live a full life.
The Communion is more powerful than you realize.
Today we had communion as a family. We broke a few crackers and had some juice. I read aloud the scriptures in Luke, prayed for our day and our family. I want to be sure we are utilizing every power that God has given to us.
My hope today is you too will do something a little bit different. Yah, it seems weird and odd to have communion at home — or does it? Maybe that’s just something we say to ourselves. But, I believe you will have an insane revelation on this power. Activate it daily and live in complete health.
Weirdly enough, I’m pumped about it.
It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. — John Wooden
Let’s Pray:
Thank you Jesus for what you did on the cross today. You have secretly given us so much power in communion. Help me unlock it and understand it better. It may seem small and not much but I know it’s a game changer. May today be filled with health and wealth. Communion is a promise you’ve given to us and I’m going forward with it. Amen.