Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome. — Rosa Parks
Yesterday, we had a family outing. It wasn’t to a restaurant or mall, as they have started to open up, but instead, a rally for George Floyd. All five of us gathered alongside hundreds of others in Costa Mesa.
If there is one thing I’m passionate about — it’s making sure my family and children are part of the solution. The solution to end racism in America. The solution to bring justice to lives like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery (and so many others).
My kids will know and will walk the streets WITH the black community. They will be part of the solution. They will see their father lead the home in this way. They will know RIGHT from WRONG.
That’s why we walk — that’s why we voice our disgust toward this overt and covert racism toward black people. This 💩 is real and we have the OPPORTUNITY to make it stop.
I wish my voice was louder or that I could influence more people. However, I understand strength in numbers. When enough people SHOW UP, anything is possible. Voices are heard, pain is felt and changes are made.
So, if you’re like me, saying, “I don’t really think my voice matters?” Yes, your voice 🤬 ‘n matters, your presence matters and your ACTIONS matter. You have been given a voice for a reason — search your soul for how you can best USE it.
What can you do today?
Good question.
Educate yourself on everything that is happening. Knowledge is power. I hear so many people asking what they “CAN DO?” For one, stop waiting for someone to give you direction.
If it was your son, daughter or friend who was killed by cops — how would that make you feel? Educate yourself. Search for wisdom as if it were secret treasure — maybe try that?
What I’m reading:
How To Be An Anti-racist by Abram X. Kendi
Stamped From the Beginning by Abram X. Kendi
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
What I’m re-watching:
Malcolm X
I Am Not Your Negro
Educate yourself on what’s happening and why it’s happening. Get it in your soul and take the time to put yourself in the shoes of others. The Bible calls on us to “prefer others to ourselves.” This is a big statement and USUALLY we love this sort of thing. However, when it comes to race — this verse has been forgotten for too long.
These are monumental moments. Don’t be afraid to do the right thing.