‘God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble — more than enough and always available whenever I need you.’ Psalms 46:1
Last night Chantelle (my bride) and I watched the show Songland. It’s a great show, fun show and wow, are these musicians talented. However, every time we went to an ad break it was about Covid-19. 🙄
Whether it’s Microsoft pumping their video technology or Dunkin Donuts pimping contact less service — I’M OVER IT. A pandemic marketing pivot. I get it. It’s annoying AF.
Where I was once fearful about Covid-19, now I couldn’t give two f’s about it. How did this happen?
It’s been a combination of things. Lots of questions on my part. Lots of searching and seeking truth. Lots of prayer. Lots of consideration of others. It’s been my own recipe and maybe I can share a bit of what THAT looks like.
I love what Simon Sinek says about questions. “The quality of a leader cannot be judged by the answers he gives, but by the questions he asks.” — Simon Sinek
Here’s a few questions I rattle through from time to time.
- I often worry that I _____________.
- If this worry of yours was indeed true, what does it mean to you and why does it bother you so much?
- What’s the worst thing that could possibly happen? What do you fear most of all?
If you want to get to the root of a fear attack — you have to go after it head on. Fear isn’t a teddy bear you sleep with — it’s a f’n lion seeking people like you, like me, to F’N DEVOUR.
I love thinking through these types of questions to strengthen my mind. Instead of a black hole of Fear, it allows me to write things down and come to a solution. Instead of WHY am I afraid, it’s I’m afraid because of THIS.
When you know the WHY behind your Fear — you can discover the solution much more quickly.
A positive mental attitude is much more than a book. It may seem or feel “new age-ish” or “for those other people”, but your self talk will determine your self walk. Where you want to go is shaped by the words coming out of your mouth.
(insert Chris Tucker to Jackie Chan, “do you understaaaaaaaaand the worrrrrrrds coming out of my mouuuuuuuuuuuuf?”)
Instead of popping on the TV or your phone, try this instead.
Find a quiet place wherever you live. You can close your eyes or open your eyes — whatever you prefer. Take a few deep breaths. You need to first chill the f out so you can think straight.
Think of three positive images. They can be real memories or your imagination but they need to be related to the following: confidence and strength in your life, safety, peacefulness and or love in your life.
Once you have those — write them down or whatever you need to do to keep them locked in your brain.
Now, imagine a real or imaginary scene of one of your negative thoughts. Some of those things that you’re worried or fearful about. Some of that dark 💩. Like dying in a hospital, breathing on a ventilator, no one to visit you, no funeral, no love life — whatever the dark 💩 is.
Next thing to do is replace those dark, fearful images or ideas with those that are positive. It’s like a puzzle. You have to find the right ray of light to replace the dark and stormy. It’s going to take some time. It’s a puzzle, so put some effort into it.
Do this over and over until you have your own recipe. Go through all of those crazy, disturbing as f thoughts and match them with courage, strength, hope, love and peace. ✌️
Sometimes for me I read verses like this in Psalms and I’m like, “WTF, God is my refuge? He’s my help? WTF is a refuge? Sure AF doesn’t feel like He’s HELPING me right now!”
What I do know and believe is God is a smart mf’er. Way smarter than me. I’ve got to believe and know that. If I don’t know what the verse is saying — I need to get on the wisdom train and figure it out.
Maybe the answer is found in something else? Maybe I need to ask better questions? Maybe I need to ask the right people the right questions? Maybe the answer is found in another person? Maybe I need to continue to search instead of just say, “God is my refuge — when I have no idea WTF that even means.”
Maybe your refuge, your answer, your trust is locked to a question you have yet to ask? And, let’s be honest — Jesus was the 🐐 at asking questions.
Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the open squares. Proverbs 1:20 NKJV
“But you — who do you say that I am?” Jesus asked. Matthew 16:15
“So where are the other nine?” Jesus asked. “Weren’t there ten who were healed? Luke 17:17
That’s all I got. Stand tall — Fear not.