Any Bible verse in Revelation scares the 💩 outta me. Even if this one is nice, kind and gentle — for some reason, I read it like I’m watching Pulp Fiction. I’m like, “Jules, someone’s about to die here.”
When I read this verse in Revelation, I have a hard time believing there are people in the USA who haven’t heard of Jesus.
I know there are plenty who have never gone to church. I know there are plenty who were raised atheist or agnostic. Even though many have never attended church or raised with different religious beliefs, I feel pretty confident they’ve received a knock on their door in some sort of way. This is impossible to prove, however, I do believe God works in mysterious ways.
Even in my darkest times — I knew God was out there. I may not have wanted him a part of my life — but I knew. The same was true for so many people I hung with during those times.
I’ll never forget some of the conversations I had with people while we were totally f’d up. On several occasions, I’d be hanging with people I’d just met that night and we’d be all blowed out. The conversation would switch to religion or church. I didn’t get too much into church antics but I did get into putting courage in other people. Some of the weirdest moments to remember.
Especially as the night wore off and the day wore on — I realized those people weren’t hearing ANYTHING I was saying. I realized, they weren’t my friends at all. I realized — it was probably the blow talking. But, looking back, the Bible verse that comes to mind is, “out of the abundance of the heart — the mouth speaks.” Even in darkness — light can shine.
However, I did know that they had an understanding of who Jesus was — they just hadn’t met the best version. They may have heard a knock at the door of their heart but the version of Jesus they saw was lame.
The thing about this verse in Revelation about Jesus knocking on the door is that it requires action on the part of the person opening the door. Jesus is knocking — who’s willing to open it?
I’d say most do not because of the version of Jesus they’ve seen over the years. Maybe they grew up with strict Jesus, abusive Jesus, angry Jesus or lying Jesus — all these types of false representations of who Jesus really is.
It sucks people meet these types of Jesus every single day. They get hurt and vow to never open the door to this version of Jesus ever again. That’s when church or people really piss me off.
So, what the f can you or I do?
The Bible says that we are “ambassadors.” It’s a fancy word for saying we represent the best version of Jesus — all the f’n time.
This means that we have the opportunity every day to potentially turn the hearts of those who have been victimized and abused by these disgusting forms of Jesus. It’s totally f’d up — however — this is when our shine matters.
The question I ask myself all the time is, “am I prepared today to turn the hearts of others?”
Most people have only seen 💩 forms of Jesus. Even yesterday, I was on a cycle ride with some friends and they started quoting some verses about when the “cock crows three times.” They were eluding to my religious upbringing and whether one of them was telling a lie about a story. It was all fun and games at the time — but I knew — they’ve only seen the 💩 form of Jesus.
And that’s my moment to shine as they gauge my attitude, my demeanor and my response. I was prepared because I already knew they were searching. I already knew that Jesus had knocked before — they just had a bad version.
Today we can turn the tide for anyone and everyone we meet. If Jesus is knocking as it says in Revelation — then let’s be sure they see the best f’n version of Jesus.
Thanks for playing — see yah out there.