‘“Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. ‘ Matthew 7:7
Here’s your moment to judge my journey — I play video games. As a person who is constantly thinking, video games are my “nothing box”. And, to be honest, I really enjoy it … sometimes.
I still really hate when 10 years olds smoke me online. But, that’s the nature of the beast. I can either lose — or learn. Ha! Here I am giving motivational speeches on video games. Anyway, let’s carry on.
For all of you Call of Duty fans out there, add me “holaratcha”.
And, if you play War Zone, let me explain how this Bible verse can get remixed into this game. It starts with THREE MONSTER ACTION WORDS.
Step 1 — Ask: When you first fire up the game Warzone, you’ll be in what’s called the “lobby”. This is when you hit “start” which is “asking” for players to join you in your match — duh right.
My dad used to always say, “ask for what you want or settle for what you get.” I love that line.
But, have you asked Jesus to join you day today? Cheese fest right? But seriously, have you? Why not include the master creator, right?
On most days I literally walk around the house and just say, “Jesus, help me today. I don’t know what today looks like, but you do. I need that confidence in my day to be ready for all you have me.”
That’s the ticket — start your day by asking for help. I need it, you need it — we all need it.
Step 2— Seek: When you first drop into (literally, from a parachute) Warzone, the first thing you have to do is search for guns, ammo or cash. Whatever you can find to help you on your journey. If you fail this step — you’re dead.
In the game, the enemy will find you and kill you. I know this, because I’ve been UTTERLY WRECKED over and over. I hate this feeling — so annoying.
So, let’s say you’ve asked Jesus for help today — good step.
Now, what are you doing actively to search for Him? I like to think of it like this, “how am I preparing for what COULD happen today?”
Is there someone I need to pray for, give to or serve? Is my spirit ready? Am I actively searching for how I can help or just “getting by”?
If the devil is looking to come after me — am I prepared to go whoop his *ss? Am I playing defense when I should be playing offense?
If I am not prepared for what could happen — then yah, the devil can easily come around and kick my *ss. Nobody wants that and Jesus sure as cuss doesn’t want that either. (I have trouble using Jesus and curse words in the same sentence — not sure why).
Step 3— Knock: As you are searching for “loot” which is all of the above mentioned items, you will inevitably have to “knock” down a door. By doing this, you can enter a building or house to find your “loot”.
If you don’t enter the door — duh, you can’t get inside. If you don’t get inside — duh … you won’t get your loot and you will get destroyed — LIKE UTTERLY, VICIOUSLY DESTROYED.
And so it is with your day. Your day is filled with treasure. Each day is full of promises and opportunities right before your eyes. Just open your Bible — the treasure is LOADED in there every day — all day.
“Their hearts are dull and void of feelings, but I find my true treasure in your truth.” Psalms 119:70 TPT
Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy; the revelation of your word thrills me like one who has discovered hidden treasure. Psalms 119:162 TPT
Every evening I will explain my need to him. Every morning I will move my soul toward him. Every waking hour I will worship only him, and he will hear and respond to my cry. Psalms 55:17 TPT
Is it dumb to collaborate Warzone with the Bible — maybe. But, I don’t really care what you think. The point is that we take ACTION every single day.
We must take action because we KNOW what the devil is trying to deploy every day.
‘A thief has only one thing in mind — he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect — life in its fullness until you overflow! ‘ John 10:10
It’s either you or the devil. My choice is to get down and dirty and give him hell every single day. My prayer is for you to do the same.
Let’s pray:
Jesus, help me to take action today. I want to move forward and not shrink back. I want to be on the offensive. The devil has no power over me. I want to be prepared. I want your help in all I do. Help me make today all that you have planned for it. Help me find treasure and secrets in your Word. I want it — I need it. Amen.