‘“This is why I tell you to never be worried about your life, for all that you need will be provided, such as food, water, clothing — everything your body needs. Isn’t there more to your life than a meal? Isn’t your body more than clothing?’ Matthew 6:25
I don’t think Jesus can put it any clearer in the Bible. My go to worry verse in the Bible is over in Philippians 4, however — this may be my new jam. Hard to beat what comes directly out of the mouth of Jesus.
I hate worrying, yet it happens to me or around me quite often. I want to get better at doing just this — “never be worried about my/your life.”
Jesus goes on to talk about the birds and flowers not worrying about what happens to them, so why should we? We also have to remember “to everything there is a season.” Listen to the song by the Byrds which is also a passage in Ecclesiastes. Seasons happen, they come and go — but they are not forever. Worry and fear is just the same — they come — they go.
Worry is a cycle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a center of fear. — Corrie Ten Boom
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy. — Leo Buscaglia
When it comes to worrying, I like the quote that says, “where your attention goes, your energy flows.” When I get worried — this is exactly what happens. My attention is focused on the negative or what COULD happen. It’s usually not even real — it’s fear.
False Evidence Appearing Real.
As of late, I haven’t worried as much. As most of you know, most of my worry hinges on financial matters. After I lost everything — I don’t have anything to focus on in that area and therefore, I don’t worry. I just keep on keeping on.
To be honest, it’s pretty freeing. Jesus is saying here in Matthew to stop worrying about what I eat, drink or wear — and so we have. And, when you think about those things — or not having those things — it’s completely liberating.
I think during quarantine I’ve rotated two outfits in more than two months. For dinner, we’ve eaten at home, nothing fancy. We even eat beans and rice once a week to remember our Compassion Child. It may be super simple but you know what — it’s freeing, it’s easy.
If there is something we all need to do, including myself — it’s to create more joy. It’s impossible to be worried and joyful. It just doesn’t happen. I find most of the worry in this world originates in comparison.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
Whatever your recipe is for today — double it with joy. Intentionally smile for no reason. Watch funny memes or films today. Laugh at yourself — don’t take yourself too seriously. Cultivate joy in and around your home today and then remember that you just kicked the 💩 out of worry.
Game — set — f’n match
You win with joy.