‘The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.’ Psalms 19:1
I’ve been listening to a lot of Sadhguru. If you’re unfamiliar with him, I guess he’s a Yogi Mistic kinda vibe? I don’t know what any of it really means but what I do love is the questions he asks.
I love hearing his thought process and his genius ability to break complex things to simple language. For instance, he talks about people wanting to be “extra” — ordinary. He says, “whenever I travel the USA, people ask me. Sadhguru, how can I be extraordinary.”
His response is quite simple, just be “extra” ordinary. Meaning, just be the ordinary person you were created to be. People will see how you live and remark how your life is extraordinary. He says, “there’s nothing secret about it. Being the best version of yourself is a powerful force. It’s not about being something your not — it’s about being who you are.”
Anyway, maybe you’re not into it. I most certainly am. I feel as if my brain actively searches new ways to think of things. New ways to solve problems. New ways to view people. It’s been a very enlightening and inspriational experience.
And, an old, wise man once told me, “find what inspires you and do it every day.” I’m trying to do just that and hope you do as well.
Even as I read this verse in Psalms, I think of how Sadhguru might approach reading this. I feel my intellect changing directions or a better word might be, “changing view points.”
I wonder how the heavens are proclaiming the glory of God today? What do I see around me that says — “yes, that’s God’s glory, FOR SURE!” Or, what in the skies shows me his craftsmanship?
Normally, I’d read a verse like this and my mind already has a natural answer for this verse. But, that’s not teaching myself to learn more. I don’t have the full cosmos of the heavens or God. But, I want to slow my mind down and allow it to think of different scenarios of this verse.
I want my mind to wander into finding the glory and craftsmanship of God. Maybe the glory is resting in the day. Resting in the fact that I’m alive and the heavens are smiling upon me. Maybe it’s the joy of health, friends and the ability to dream?
I also wonder how I can be “ordinary” today? What is the best process, thoughts and choices for an ordinary day? And, how can I be “extra” ordinary today, so I can become the best version of myself.
Fascinating stuff. Soul searching stuff. Brain food stuff. I love it.