‘“How enriched you are when you bear the wounds of being persecuted for doing what is right! For that is when you experience the realm of heaven’s kingdom.’ Matthew 5:10 TPT
Anytime you make changes in your life — you open yourself up to being criticized. I remember when I first started to make decisions to follow Jesus, it was tough. It was especially tough with those who I had hung with the most. I no longer was passing through velvet ropes at clubs, bottle service drinking all night and all the after (after) parties if you know what I mean.
I was trying to change my language to not cuss every five seconds. I needed a whole new support system. I could feel the mockery, but I didn’t care, I knew what I needed to do.
Here is some conflict you may endure when choosing the road of righteousness.
If you cherish chastity, your life will be an attack on people’s love for free sex.
If you embrace temperance, your life will be a statement against the love of alcohol.
If you pursue self-control, your life will indict excess eating.
If you live simply and happily, you will show the folly of luxury.
If you walk humbly with your God, you will expose the evil of pride.
If you are punctual and thorough in your dealings, you will lay open the inferiority of laziness and negligence.
If you speak with compassion, you will throw callousness into sharp relief.
If you are earnest, you will make the flippant look flippant instead of clever.
if you are spiritually minded, you will expose the worldly-mindedness of those around you.
And, for the record, this road to right living doesn’t happen once. It’s an evolving road, a road of relationship. As you get to know Jesus more — your eyes will open up to the plans He has for you. And, those plans may be different than what your “friends” may be doing — and that’s ok.
When I was little, my mom used to say to me, “Anthony, your integrity will deliver you.” A quote my mom adapted from the book of Proverbs. It rang true then and continues to ring true. I also like this one from Zig.
Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life — all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity. — Zig Ziglar
In this walk of life, the people you choose to be around will ultimately guide where you want to go. We are the sum average of the five people closest to us. So, whatever you want to “be” or “become”, find those who are already doing those things — and get close to them. Therein lies the future of your success.
People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die. — Plato
Doing what is right never goes out of style. God will always lead you down the right path — the choice is yours and mine. It’s a hard choice most of the time and that is how you know it is the right one. However, with the right people around you — those choices become easy. The soil (friends) will help you develop into all that God has for you. The hardest part is CHOOSING to change.
But, just ask God — he can do far more than you or I can think or imagine.
‘Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.’ Ephesians 3:20
Go big or go home.
Let’s pray:
Jesus, I want to live a blessed life. I know that changes need to be made in my life. It sucks, but I know it. Help me make the tough decisions. Help me be all that you have created me to be. I’m ready to move forward. I’m ready for the blessings surrouding these decisions. Let’s go. Amen.