‘Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. ‘ Ephesians 4:2
Whether I like it or not, the world does not revolve around me. The world is what it is and where I fit, is up to me. Every day I make choices which determine outcomes. Some of those outcomes I like, some I don’t but at the end of the day — it is what it is.
This verse in Ephesians sums up my bride. She’s humble, gentle and looks past my ridiculous flaws. For instance, last night I attempted to remove the babies car seat from my car. It was dark at night. I couldn’t see. The car seat was stuck. I was pissed, like angry frustrated.
I was so frustrated I huffed and puffed in the house and told Chantelle. She then said, “I’ll do it.” I was like, “no way you can get that thing out. It’s impossible. It’s totally stuck.” I was totally frustrated and ranting on the car seat. To which I then said, “I’ll give you $100 if you can get it out of my car.”
Let’s just say my bride was EXTRA motivated. She came down to the car and within minutes, she worked it out. She didn’t throw anything, punch anything or cuss at anything. She removed the car seat like a genie. I was shocked how fast she did it.
I was impressed and she was happy with an extra $100 in her account.
Being humble is always a win. In order to be humble, you have to seek it out. Anything we want in life is achievable, we just have to search for it. The Bible says, “he who seeks, finds.” That’s when I ask myself this question, “what am I searching for? Am I searching for humility, gentleness and peace with others?” If I’m not, “why?”
I don’t have a lot of thoughts today or stories. I think of this passage and yah, I need to be gentle, humble and make peace with others. I get that.
But, I dunno, maybe today is just one of those blank brain zones. You know that ones, where nothing seems to come to mind. Even now, I’m like, “why am I writing? What’s the point?”
I keep coming back to writing as a pathway to something more. A pathway for my thoughts to have existence. Maybe a pathway to a new adventure. Maybe writing takes me to places I never dreamed possible. I also think of writing as something that will last when I am gone. A museum of my mind. A collection of pieces to be viewed, read and maybe even inspiring.
Whatever it may be, on days like today — it feels lethargic. I’ve written for over 90 days in a row. I like the consistency and yes, it does flow much smoother MOST of the time. Today is one of those days where the flow is BLAH.
I’m laughing in my head because all I can hear is Dory from Finding Nemo say, “just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.” So, I guess that’s what I shall do. I’ll just keep writing.
My big plan today is to ensure I spark joy. I refuse to allow people to take joy or give joy to me. This privilege is reserved for me and me only. This seems very simple but it’s actually pretty tough.
Joy is mine. My smiles are mine. This is what I can control. I want to live this day to the fullest with plenty of smiles.