Photo by Ruben Santos on Unsplash


Anthony Thompson


‘I refuse to be ashamed of sharing the wonderful message of God’s liberating power unleashed in us through Christ! For I am thrilled to preach that everyone who believes is saved — the Jew first, and then people everywhere! ‘ Romans 1:16

This verse can mess you up if you read it like your personality type. If you’re an extrovert — it’s the verse you need to validate your social needs. If you’re an introvert — you may be sitting there and saying, “I don’t want to do that.”

So, which is it? Is there a right way to share?

During the 90’s there was this push in Christian social circles to tell EVERYONE you meet about Jesus and if you didn’t — Hell was your punishment. If you missed your moment to witness — then it was your fault they went to hell. It’s a big order and can really f with your head.

I know I wasn’t about to share with anybody about Jesus — it was too f’n weird for me. So, I did nothing. I don’t know if it was the right thing — but I did know how awkward the whole process was — and for that — I was out.

After watching the process for decades — here’s a few things I can confidently execute in sharing my faith story. My hope is you can find a way that fits your style as well.

Be Me

If I can share with someone about my faith — I will. My type of personality is to SHOW someone my faith. If Jesus is as dope as I say He is — then let my life be a living sacrifice. Let people know Jesus through my faith. Not because of what I said — but because of how I lived.

Jesus should shine in how I work. He should shine in how I treat my bride and my babies. He should shine when I talk to someone at a restaurant. At the end of the day — it’s Jesus’ shine, not mine. He’s a pretty wise guy and a miracle worker. I leave as much to Him as I can.

I can be me — and let Him do the work.

Know My Bible

My Bible is the roadmap for life. Out of it flows all the wisdom and guidance I need. However, if I don’t know what it says and where it says it — I’m lost. I can’t lead someone if I don’t know where the f I’m going.

I need to know that Jesus does care about people. He cares for all types of people — especially the f ups. When he was here on Earth he looked out for the sick, sinners and social misfits. That’s a good place for me to be on extra alert to share my story.

The Bible says, “the truth will set you free.” What that verse is really getting at is this, “the truth that you know — will set you free.”

It’s the parts of the Bible that you PERSONALLY KNOW. The stories, emotions and revleations that speak directly to you. I know I had to find my mantra’s and once I did — my confidence was awakened.

I Need to Be Kind

When you know your Bible — you know how kind Jesus was to those who were searching. He wasn’t so kind to the religious leaders — but to the sinners who were searching — kindness oozed out of Him.

1 Corinthians says that “love never fails.” Get soaked in love and let others feel that energy. People are very accustomed to “energy” these days. This is a perfect example of how to share your energy with others. They don’t know what to call it — but I do — it’s God’s love. Let their search lead them to the love in you.

This is also where wisdom comes in to play. As I mentioned, you may meet people that say to you, “I really love your energy.” That’s a great place to be because they are recognizing the Jesus in you. They don’t know what to call it but use it. Use it to share more about your energy.

And, just remember — no one is perfect at being you, except you. However you do it — will be great.

Develop My Super Powers

You may feel like you don’t have any Super Powers — well, you do. Your super powers can be anything. It can be how vulnerable you are with people. It can be your smile or your singing. It can be your cooking — yes, that’s right! You may be a gangster chef — there’s your super power.

One of the gifts I’ve neglected over the years was writing. It was the only subject in High School I got an A in beside P.E (physical Education). I messed around writing from time to time but nothing serious.

It wasn’t until just before quarantine (March 1st, 2020) when I got serious. The first thing I googled was, “how do I become a better writer?”

I looked for all sorts of magic ways to fast track it. After hours of searching, I realized — I just had to write. The only advice I kept reading from EXPERT authors was — WRITE EVERYDAY. So, that’s what I’ve been doing.

Since writing, I’ve received lots of encouraging words from others. They’ve been from friends and unknowns. I just set out to get better at writing — for me. And, it’s been a blessing to others.

Use those super powers. God gave them to you. Don’t hide them — shine them.

These are a few ways to get your story out there.

Maybe you don’t feel like your worthy to share your story. If you don’t feel worthy — then you’re dealing with “shame,” and I’d recommend you read yesterday’s writing and catch up on more Brené Brown.

You are good enough. You are worthy and you do bring value to conversations. Anyone or anything telling you different is a lie.

I know because I have the same thoughts crashing into my brain everyday too.



Anthony Thompson
Anthony Thompson

Written by Anthony Thompson

I help high performing professionals unlock their potential and become the champion they were created to be.

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