For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it. Proverbs 8:11 NLT
After re-watching ten episodes of Star Wars last week — let’s just say, I got enough Star Wars in me for a LONG TIME. May the 4th is a pretty serious day in our home. We mapped out to watch three episodes Saturday, four on Sunday and finished it all up with three on Monday, May 4th, 2020.
When I watch films — I get inspired. Whether it’s the story, dialogue or emotion of the film, I love it. It’s an easy takeaway for me to get a jolt of courage into whatever I’m facing.
So, I figured I would dig into some Yoda vibes today. The legend of Yoda — here we go.
“You must unlearn what you have learned.” — Yoda, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Unlearning feels harder than learning. I remember when I first began mowing lawns as a teenager. Even though I had mowed our own lawn several times — it was NOTHING like mowing a strangers lawn and collecting cash from it.
When I was at home, I could cut a few corners or leave the hedging for another day. I most certainly didn’t use a blower to clean off the grassy sidewalks or driveway. When it was my own lawn — mowing for my dad, my mindset was — “just get the job done so I could go play basketball, video games or watch TV.”
All this would have to be un-learned, so I could learn the proper way to up to my grass game. Still to this day — I hate mowing the grass. Maybe that’s not the best example — but I certainly understand the concept of providing more value than what the customer was paying for.
“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” — Yoda, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
This one gets me every time. I am intolerable to inconsistency. I hate it. I despise it. Whether it was when I was playing sports or even today in the workplace — consistency is discipline and discipline is freedom.
I know it’s hard to be consisent. I know it’s hard to be on time. I know it’s hard to do what you say you’re going to do. That’s f’n life. If you can’t learn that — get in the back of the line or be satisfied with average.
I have zero tolerance for average. I play to win. I play to do a little bit better every single day. I set out “to do,” never “to try.”
The Bible says it like this, “let your yes be yes and your no be no.” Keep life simple and do what you say. If you can’t execute the words coming out of your mouth — it’s like using a debit card when you don’t have money in your account. #transactiondenied
“Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny”. — Yoda, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
The dark path never starts out SUPER DARK. The dark path starts with little, white lies. It starts with smaller bits of darkness that leads to a larger black hole.
I remember first arriving to LA after college. I had zero pedigree. I didn’t have a cool school degree to lean on — nothing. It was just me. I noticed right away — everyone associated who they were with either what they did or where they went to school. I didn’t have either — so I made stuff up.
If you live in LA — you know this is super common. Everyone is a producer or in some sort of film game. It’s a giant game of BS. I started playing it from the beginning. And, I quickly realized that it sucked. I also realized that I had zero real friends. Everything was built up on lies.
After awhile of those soft lies — they get to be bigger lies. Everything becomes a story and a game to get what you want. It’s a dark, dark path to be on. In the end, I found out the hard way. I nearly lost my soul because of it.
The only way out of the darkness was to do the exact opposite. At the time, I didn’t think anyone would want to know me for me. I didn’t have much faith in myself. I was lost. The way out was when I came back to my roots of faith.
I began to love myself for me. No degree, no cool school, no great work experience— just a kid from the south side of Chicago.
Do you — you’re the only thing that can’t be replicated.
“Difficult to see, always in motion is the future.” — Yoda, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
The Bible says, “don’t worry about tomorrow — for you don’t know what the day may bring forth. This is the truth of the future. We don’t know. We can’t control it — we can only prepare the best we can.
I’m very much an achiever. When the future and my acheivments don’t line up — I get super discouraged. This happens every so often. Every time it does, here is a few things I do to get me back on track.
I train my achievements to be based on “action” and not the goal itself. Yes, I want progress but 99% of the time it never comes as fast as I’d like. So, I get excited with progress.
For example, my writing is about action. Instead of it being about how many views I get or writing a book by the end of the year — I focus on action.
Would I like to have a few books under my belt one day — for sure. But right now I see action to be my education toward my goal. I’m right around the 60 straight day mark of writing. #nodaysoff
I can’t predict what tomorrow will bring forth — but I can take action today to prepare what COULD happen. Every day I look to get a little bit better. I dig for deeper stories and thoughts from my soul. The more I dig, the better I get at digging. One day — that digging will pay off.
Those are a few things that get me inspired while watching films. I mean, who doesn’t love a little Yoda. So, get inspired and keep doing those things that inspire you. The Best is Yet To Come.